Convert text to appear upside-down with this simple JavaScript function.

Here’s a little script to turn a string upside-down:

var mirror = { 
    a: '\u0250',
    b: 'q',
    c: '\u0254', 
    d: 'p',
    e: '\u01DD',
    f: '\u025F', 
    g: '\u0183',
    h: '\u0265',
    i: '\u0131', 
    j: '\u027E',
    k: '\u029E',
    l: '\u0283',
    m: '\u026F',
    n: 'u',
    r: '\u0279',
    t: '\u0287',
    v: '\u028C',
    w: '\u028D',
    y: '\u028E',
    '.': '\u02D9',
    '[': ']',
    '(': ')',
    '{': '}',
    '?': '\u00BF',
    '!': '\u00A1',
    "\'": ',',
    '<': '>',
    '_': '\u203E',
    ';': '\u061B'

Object.keys(mirror).forEach(function(key) { mirror[mirror[key]] = key; });

function upsideDown(text) {
    text = text || ''; 
    var result = '', i=text.length;
    while (i--) {
        ch = text[i];
        if (ch in mirror) {
            ch = mirror[ch];
        result += ch || ''; 
    return result

upsideDown("Upside down");
// returns "uʍop ǝpıspU